Curatorial projects

2025 - January - The Marks of our Time - LAAA Los Angeles Artis Association - Los Angeles

2024 - November - L’imponderabile grafia della Natura - Roberto Ghezzi - Art1307 Studio, Naples

2023 - November - Labirinti - Donatella Mazzoleni - Art1307 Studio, Naples

2023 - October - The Loft at Liz's: conversation with the artist Claudio Santini - GO TO VIDEO

2023 - September - Talk at LAAA Artists Association - Los Angeles

2023 - September - Spaces of silence - Claudio Santini - The Loft at Liz's - Los Angeles

2023 - August - SUPERSENSE - Juror of exhibition - LAAA Los Angeles Artis Association - Los Angeles

2023 - May - Late Winter Storms: FRAGILITY 2023 online exhibition - ART EMERGE GALLERY - GO TO SITE - GO TO VIDEO - GO TO VIDEO

2023 - May - Infinite Imagination - Gary Brewer, Aline Mare - RFI AV Station Afragola, Naples

2023 - April - End of Residency in Italy - Gary Brewer, Aline Mare - Art1307 Studio, Naples

2023 - April - End of Residency in Italy - Yasunari Nakagomi - Art1307 Studio, Naples

2023 - March -The texture of dreams - Yasunari Nakagomi - Museo Ercolanense Reggia di Portici, Naples

2022 -  November - MORFOLOGIE - Linda Kunik, Stephen Robert Johns - Art1307 Studio, Naples

2022 - November -TOPOGRAFIE dell’ANIMA - Stephen Robert Johns - RFI AV Station Afragola, Naples

2022 - August - Gossamer: about 20 American artists are engaged in the visual reproduction of the levity and insubstantiality of a dreaming realm. Los Angeles ART Association - Los Angeles

2022 - May - Geometrie Organiche: Giulia Manfredi e Pilar Soberon. RFI AV Station Afragola, Naples

2022 - May - Il Silente linguaggio della Natura: Giulia Manfredi e Pilar Soberon. Reggia di Portici - Naples

2022 - March - Lost in Colors: Rhea Carmi and Yoella Razili two solo show. The Loft at Liz's - Los Angeles

2021 - INSPIRATIONAL - Kelly Berg, Laddie J. Dill, Ned Evans, Justin Garcia, Shane Guffogg, Miguel Osuna, Todd Williamson. Museo Ercolanense Reggia di Portici, Naples

2021 - Under the spell of Caravaggio - Hertha Miessner. Pio Monte della Misericordia – Naples

2021 - IDENTITÀ TRANSITORIE - Yuri Boyko, Claudio Santini. RFI AV Station Afragola, Naples

2021 - TRANSIENCE IN LOCI - Yuri Boyko, Claudio Santini. Art1307 Studio, Naples

2021 - EXPOSITION D’ÉTÉ - A collective exhibition of many artists who have accompanied us over the years: works on paper and beyond. Unpublished productions, innovative materials, wall sculptures and much more to visit at our studio with the new set-up created for the occasion.

2021 - LA LUCE ATTRAVERSO - Ned Evans and Peter Lodato. Art1307 Studio, Naples. GO TO VIDEO

2021 - SOSPENSIONI GRAVITAZIONALI - Max Coppeta. Amira Art Gallery, Nola, Naples

2021 - REPLICATION - David Jang. Ronald H. Silverman Fine Arts Gallery, LA. GO TO VIDEO

2021 - L’eterno ritorno - Julia Krahn.  For her first solo show in Naples Julia Krahn presents a first body of works conceived and elaborated for ART1307 with the curatorship of Cynthia Penna which is part of a larger project that will be presented in a second phase.

2020 - TIME: a huge project involving 93 artists, writers, curators and art historians talking about the modified perception of time in the time of isolation. A large book realized to describe a condition of humanity during a lockdown that affected the entire global population and, at the same time, affected personal and collective lives. Published by BLURB and sold for charity purposes to scientific research because the future will never find us unprepared.

2020 - One artist a day project: virtual on line exhibition.  A series of “portraits” of artists from around the world to present the real “art makers” of today: different media, different styles and the same purity of thoughts and realization.

2020 - Traveling with Zaha project: Train Station of Afragola, Napoli. Due to the impossibility of materially installing the exhibition, due to COVID 19th pandemic, the exhibition Trancience  (Migrating Minds) by Yuri Boyko has been launched on line  in a virtual installation featuring the photographs expressly conceived for this project and telling the story of transhumance, identity, migration, and modification of human beings through the many travels of our lives.

2020 - Laddie J. Dill the Light of Space: MOAH Lancaster Museum of Art and History. A site specific installation of neon lights covered by local sands and gravels, illuminates the steel wall sculptures, creating a subtle, meditative atmosphere in a room of the museum.

2019 - Traveling with Zaha project: Train Station of Afragola, Napoli. The exhibition is part of an agreement with the City Hall of Afragola which invited ART1307 to organize a number of exhibitions with foreign artists focused on the movement of people around the globe; speed and modification or reality connected to the displacement of people. The exhibition included the single art works of the artists participating in Traveling Canvas.

2019 - Traveling Canvas: Castel dell’Ovo, Napoli. Exhibition focused on the experiment to create art through the common work of many artists on the same canvas. The canvases have traveled in 4 Continents and have been painted each one by 5 different artists that didn’t know each other at all. Closed in their studios they have been invited to interact one each other in a way to create a “common” unified piece without renouncing to their traditions, cultural backgrounds or personal styles, but operating together in a common sense of Art.

2019 - On the edge of History: group show with American and Italian artists focused on the theme of the future of the Arts. Starting from the personal or collective past and traditions, artists were invited to project this legacy into present times and into the future, also giving a glance to the development of the Arts in the future. two Locations: LA Artists Association Los Angeles and Villa di Donato, Napoli.

2018 - FLOW by Max Coppeta: where kinetic art meets ancient palaces. An installation of kinetic artwork set in motion by dancers during a dance performance at the official opening of the solo exhibition. Museum of Royal Palace of Caserta. In the precious Alessandro room of the Royal Palace an art work in movement made of aluminum, glass, acrylic resins imitate the flowing of water in the fountains of the Royal Park of Caserta.

2018 - Miguel Osuna Continuum: after 3 months spent in Napoli in residency at ART1307, the American artist developed an articulate installation of paintings, drawings and paper works totally invading the large spaces of Villa di Donato and its huge gardens, trying to extrapolate the sense of continuity inherent in the ancient history of the city and arrived intact to the present day.

2017 - Ambiguous Reality: group show between American and Italian artists about the theme of the distorted perception of reality in our contemporary world. Paintings, videos, photographs, every medium was used to show how much our reality could be faded, totally fake or tricky, misleading and deceptive. Two locations: LA Artists Association in Los Angeles and Villa di Donato in Napoli, Italy.

2017 - Antiquitas in Luce by Laddie John Dill at the Archaeological Museum of Napoli. After 2 years of work the exhibition envisioned by the curator Penna, arrived to the final installation and confrontation of neon and light pieces created by Dill with the greek/roman sculptures of the Farnese Collection at MANN. Experimental exhibition of light combined and projected on ancient sculptures. Also featuring a site specific installation of neon, and local sands and gravels.

2016 - Workshop at Art Hotel Gran Paradiso: 8 Japanese artists were asked to paint together on the same surface and/or canvas. The same experiment of the previous year by American artists, has been repeated by Japanese artists. In this case the surface was a rigid board on which the artists painted separately the single backgrounds to later overlap the final paint one with the other to achieve the creation of a huge Mandala. Location: Sorrento, Italy

2015 - Workshop at Art Hotel Gran Paradiso: 10 Californian artists were asked to paint together, engaging themselves in the creation of one  artwork, (in this case a real wooden surfboard)  painted by 20 hands that overlapped one each other , using many different media .The purpose was to make an experiment about the real possibility to paint on the same surface without erasing the work of another artist and rather interacting with the work of the other colleague. Location: Sorrento, Italy

2012 - Shane Guffogg  at Villa di Donato,  Napoli :” La delicatezza del segno, l’immensità della luce” ; the entire exhibition has been conceived as a dialog between the artist and the famous work by Leonardo da Vinci: Ginevra de’ Benci. A conference has been organized at PAN Museum in Napoli.

2012 - Peter Lodato: the project has been split in 3 events each one representing a  portion of the whole art of the Light and Space Californian artist : Edge of Light featuring only paintings at Villa di Donato, Napoli; Eight to Eight featuring only sculptures at Museo Emblema Terzigno; Room +Light at Academy of Fine Arts Napoli including a workshop with the students.